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Content Creation Marketing Social Media

3 Easy Ways To Drive Traffic From Instagram & Make Money

Today I’m going to share the best tips I’ve discovered in driving traffic to our website; Broken down into 3 easy steps!

Instagram is a powerful platform to drive traffic to your website, blog or online store. GetSocialYEG uses Instagram to promote our own brand awareness and push traffic to our  website. The majority of our clients have found us through our Instagram page and we have found it to be a great way to connect to our clients. Honestly – Instagram accounts for nearly 90% of our leads so it is no joke! 

P.S. I would love it if you followed GetSocialYEG on Instagram

How To Drive Traffic From Instagram To Your website, blog & online store

1. Call-to-actions are Queen Bee on your descriptions and images

Content is king on Instagram – But Call-To-Actions (CTA) are Queen Bee (or Queen Bae if you prefer).

Beautiful pictures will attract your audience initially, helping you grow your followers – which is great – but then what? An engaged community is worth it’s weight in gold! (and I don’t know about you – but I LOVE gold!)

What do you want your followers to do? Maybe you want them to respond to a question you’ve asked, sign up for your newsletter, or browse your online shop.

How to use Call-to-actions to drive followers to do something

  • Create or modify your Instagram page into a business account – unlocking the power of the “Contact Options”

  • Make sure you are using the Contact Option above – do you want them to email, call or visit your location? Instagram has a button for that!

  • Encourages engagement on the particular post by asking them to do something – say yes and like this photo, answer a question, get the reader’s opinion about a topic

  • Suggest tagging a friend who may like the photo

  • Ask them to check out the link in your Bio. (More on this below.)

Another way to create a strong call-to-action is to have your CTA on the photo itself.

Let’s be honest – do people actually read all of the caption? Most likely no. People scan through the descriptions on your Instagram photos at best, so a way to capture their attention is by having the text of what you’re promoting right on the image.


2. The under utilized Link in your Profile Bio

The link in your Bio is a really easy way for your followers to directly go the link that you are promoting in each Instagram photo.

Your followers can be taken directly to a particular product / blog post / a page on your website instead of having to navigate through your entire website. Make it simple for your followers to find the info they need.

Because the link is constantly changing you run the risk of a follower looking at an older post, clicking on the link and landing on the newest post’s link. (It happens to me time and time again)

How to solve this issue? Simple! Have a page (perhaps “As Seen on Instagram) with all of your  pictures that you have used on Instagram linked to the appropriate page referred to in your Instagram comment.

3. Instagram stories

Instagram stories are a relatively new feature on Instagram. It’s a great way to show your audience the personality behind your business beyond the carefully curated posts on Instagram. (Basically it’s SnapChat for beginners.) What a great way to drive traffic to your website, blog and online store! You can use both the photo and video features.

How to use Instagram stories to drive traffic:

  • Build anticipation of future product & service launches

  • Promote current sales

  • Exclusive offers to followers – for example a sale coupon code JUST for them!

  • Behind the scenes shots of business

  • Use it as a living portfolio of the work you have done

  • Give a sneak peak of your business and people

  • Give a personal shout out to your super fans

    Your fans will feel more connected to you and your business – brand awareness and product promotion is an organic byproduct of the Super Fan.

Pro Tips

  • Tag your location in your video

  • Tag other brands you love (hello Starbucks!)

  • Be creative with the paint brushes (glowing hearts are always a hit!)

  • Add text on your videos and pictures to send your message to the viewers.

My Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are many ways you can use Instagram to drive traffic to your website. I know it can be overwhelming with all of your options, so my suggestion is try using one of the suggestions – master it – and then try the next. If something doesn’t seem to work – try something different.

I would love it if you followed us on Instagram, and please comment below or on our Instagram post to let us know what you thought about this article!

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Get Social YEG
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Get Social YEG