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We’ll provide you with the information you need and answer any questions you may have about S.E.O. and Social Media marketing for your small business. Our goal is to give you the best most reliable advice and provide the best SEO services in Edmonton. 

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These are the top 4 questions we get asked about Instagram from business owners. many are looking for the “magic Formula”. Unfortunately, there isn’t one, and every account is different. With that in mind we’ve put together 4 EASY Instagram tips you can use to improve your Instagram posting schedule.

1. How often should I be posting?

What’s your goal?

Goal: Increase Brand Awareness – If your go are going to post on social media and your goal is to grow your brand awareness you should focus on posting consistently. Want to grow quickly? Post everyday.

“I have to post EVERYDAY? But I don’t know what to post for a couple days a week – let alone all month.”   We have a solution for that!

Download our Welcome Package that includes over 30 days of posting ideas + a calendar to get you started.

2. Which Day is the best day to post?

The answer is – it depends.

A great feature Instagram has added to business profiles are insights. These insights are VERY powerful for your business because it shows the days you have the most  interaction on your page. (There will be a whole blog post coming up soon on this feature alone – that’s how awesome I think it is)

So you might be asking – where do I find this?
1. If you go to your IG page – Click the bar graph at the top right
2. Scroll down to the Followers portion and click See More
3. Again scroll down and select Days instead of Hours
4. You’ll find the more active day on your account (For mine it’s Tuesday & Wednesday)
There are lots of stats in this area – it’s great for really drilling down on who your audience really is

3. How many #hashtags should you use to increase engagement from followers?

All stats point to 11. So great! 11 hashtags. But people find the # annoying. So how do you incorporate your hashtags (which are a MUST if you want to be found) without irritating your audience with a # frenzy?

Simple! Add some dots and line breaks to burry the tags. Another options is to not include it in the caption of your image. Instead add it as the first comment. This way – the next comment on your picture will instantly hide it from displaying while people scroll through their feed.

4. What is the best time of day to post pictures?
This is a tough questions to answer – really – it depends.

Let your stats answer this question for you. Go to your account insights – which will help you determine the best time to post on a daily basis.

Final Thoughts – Timing is everything – but so it testing the waters.

Every account is different because your followers are all different. They have their own motivators, likes, dislikes and lifestyles. That’s why I want you to look at your own analytics to give you a sense of what is really going on. You can guess, or think you know – but until you have your stats it’s really a guessing game.

“What do you think? Have you used your insights yet?”

— Chelsea
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Get Social YEG
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Get Social YEG