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Are you ready to grow your business using digital marketing? We’re here to help!

We’ll provide you with the information you need and answer any questions you may have about S.E.O. and Social Media marketing for your small business. Our goal is to give you the best most reliable advice and provide the best SEO services in Edmonton. 

How To Contact Us:

1. Book Your Free 30-minute Consultation.  Appointments are available on Tuesday & Thursday 10 AM to 4 PM MST.  Book a call now>

2. Call Us at (587) 855-4934

2. Hours Of Operation: We are open Monday – Friday 9 – 4 and are closed on weekends & all holidays. If you need assistance, please use send us a note.

3. Join Us On Social Media. We love supporting small businesses, make sure you connect with us on our channels!

Calgary SEO

Want better website rankings and traffic?

We provide high quality SEO services in Calgary. Our team has years of experience in the industry and we have helped many businesses grow their online presence. Contact us today!

Calgary Search Engine Optimization Company

How Does SEO Help Local Calgary Businesses?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important part of any website’s marketing strategy. It helps people find your business on the internet. The better your site ranks for relevant keywords, the more likely you will be found by potential customers.

Search Engine Optimization can open a gateway for businesses to show up with the right information when their customer is looking for it.

Our premium local SEO services Calgary help you reach the top of search engine rankings. Start attracting more customers with our affordable SEO services in Alberta. 

video showcase

Why Choosing the Right Agency Matters

At Get Social YEG our goal is to help small businesses succeed online. We understand how difficult it can be to build a successful web presence. That’s why we offer affordable SEO packages that work. We also provide other services such as social media management, email marketing, and graphic design.

By choosing the right Calgary SEO Company you will see results including more brand awareness and organic traffic through various popular search engine sites like Bing, Google, and Yahoo.

If you need help with your website, contact us today. We will evaluate your site and give you an estimate for our services.


Our Experience

Year Experience
Projects Done
Team Members
Plugins updated
Why should a Calgary company work with Get Social YEG?

Our years of experience and a team of dedicated SEO experts understand what it takes to give you better SEO results. As a bonus - we're from Edmonton, only a couple of hours away!


– Chelsea Lagos, Founder of Get Social YEG

Chelsea Lagos

No Hidden Fees

We offer free consultations so you can see how we work before we start any project. You won’t find any hidden fees when you hire us.

Tailor-Made Solutions is what we do!

We excel in developing tailored SEO strategy, auditing your website, and implementing excellent SEO tactics. 

There are many SEO companies in Calgary, but not all organizations are created equal. By choosing the right SEO service partner you can ensure your receive the best SEO results for your business.

SEO services at Get Social YEG maximize the return on your investment and help in meeting organizational goals. We will also look at every angle of your website to deliver the best SEO service outcomes.


SEO Process At Get Social YEG

We have a dedicated SEO team to track the progress of our SEO services. We keep a sharp eye on how our SEO efforts are shaping up to our client’s business. Our experts keep upgrading our techniques as per the latest industry standards.

Get Social YEG SEO Strategies are technically strong and help you rank faster.

SEO Audit

Take A Look At Our SEO Essentials;

Website analysis

Competitors analysis

Keyword research

On-page Optimization

Content Writing


Keyword research


Flexible Pricing Plans

We understand that every business is different and our pricing structure reflects that. We also offer flexible payment options so you can pay as you go.

SEO Social Media
Foundation SEO
Foundation SEO


1 professionally written blog per month

- Dedicated Account Manager

- Multi-channel SEO Strategy

- Content Calendar

- Google My Business updates

- Ongoing link building strategy

- Ongoing website support, including updates and content changes.

- Monthly review meeting

- Monthly Google Analytics Report

- Monthly keyword rank tracking

- Traffic Monitoring

- Conversion Tracking

Advanced SEO
Advanced SEO

30 Keywords

2 Professionally Written Blogs Per Month

- Dedicated Account Manager

- Multi-channel SEO Strategy

- Content Calendar

- Google My Business updates

- Ongoing link building strategy

- Ongoing website support, including updates and content changes.

- Monthly review meeting

- Monthly Google Analytics Report

- Monthly keyword rank tracking

- Traffic Monitoring

- Conversion Tracking

Elite SEO
Elite SEO

80 Keywords

4 Professionally Written Blogs Per Month

- Dedicated Account Manager

- Multi-channel SEO Strategy

- Content Calendar

- Google My Business updates

- Ongoing link building strategy

- Ongoing website support, including updates and content changes.

- Monthly review meeting

- Monthly Google Analytics Report

- Monthly keyword rank tracking

- Traffic Monitoring

- Conversion Tracking

Foundation Social Media
Foundation Social Media

3 Posts Per Week

Includes 2 social media platforms

- Content creation, including videos, and images

- Instagram Stories

- Includes site visits every two months to gather fresh content

- Monthly review meeting

- Includes as many Video Reels/Month as we can create

- Daily targeted social media engagement

- A dedicated Brand Manager & Strategist

- Social Media Marketing Strategy

- Hashtag research & monitoring

- Content Calendar
Advanced Social Media
Advanced Social Media

5 Posts Per Week

Includes 3 social media platforms

- Content creation including videos, and images

- Instagram Stories

- Includes monthly site visits to gather fresh content

- Monthly review meeting

- Includes as many Video Reels/Month as we can create

- Daily targeted social media engagement

- A dedicated Brand Manager & Strategist

- Social Media Marketing Strategy

- Hashtag research & monitoring

- Content Calendar
Elite Social Media
Elite Social Media

7 posts per week

Includes 3 social media platforms

- Content creation including videos, and images

- Instagram Stories

- Includes monthly site visits to gather fresh content

- Monthly review meeting

- Includes as many Video Reels/Month as we can create

- Daily targeted social media engagement

- A dedicated Brand Manager & Strategist

- Social Media Marketing Strategy

- Hashtag research & monitoring

- Content Calendar
architects (1)

Get Your Free SEO Report Today!

The benefits of being number one on Google search results are well known. (Position one gets 31.7% of the clicks after all.)

Our SEO strategies are always evolving because search engine guidelines and best practices are always changing.