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Are you ready to grow your business using digital marketing? We’re here to help!

We’ll provide you with the information you need and answer any questions you may have about S.E.O. and Social Media marketing for your small business. Our goal is to give you the best most reliable advice and provide the best SEO services in Edmonton. 

How To Contact Us:

1. Book Your Free 30-minute Consultation.  Appointments are available on Tuesday & Thursday 10 AM to 4 PM MST.  Book a call now>

2. Call Us at (587) 855-4934

2. Hours Of Operation: We are open Monday – Friday 9 – 4 and are closed on weekends & all holidays. If you need assistance, please use send us a note.

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Edmonton SEO

What Makes SEO for Lawyers Unique?

SEO for lawyers, or attorney SEO, is the process of ranking for transactional keywords that pertain to the legal field. These are keywords with reasonable search volume, to maximize your law firm’s online visibility

These keywords, once identified, can be used to optimize your law firm’s website or to create content such as blogs that demonstrate your law firm’s legal expertise and ability to answer the searcher’s legal questions.

They can also be used in title tags and meta descriptions which also aid in encouraging potential clients to learn more about your services if crafted correctly. 

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    What is Search Engine Optimization? 

    Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving your website to increase its ranking on search engine platforms such as Google and Bing.


    Search engines determine where a website should rank in its results by analyzing factors such as keywords, content quality, and user engagement. Ranking high up on Google and other search engines aids in driving traffic to your website, which should be set up as the ultimate storefront for your specialized and incredible services. 

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    What is SEO? 

    What is Search Engine Optimization? 

    SEO for lawyers, or attorney SEO, is the process of using specialized keywords that pertain to the legal field (that can still be reasonably searched by the average customer) to maximize your law firm’s online visibility.

    These keywords, once identified, can be used to optimize your law firm’s website or to create content such as blogs that demonstrate your law firm’s legal expertise and ability to answer the searcher’s legal questions. They can also be used in title tags and meta descriptions which also aid in encouraging potential clients to learn more about your services if crafted correctly. 


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    Why SEO?

    Why Does Your Law Firm Need SEO? 

    SEO services are paramount to online marketing for law firms. Although many law firms specialize in different fields, depending on where you are located, your law firm could be one of many that offer the same or similar services.

    This competition is why you need to ensure your website is optimized to its full potential, as your search engine ranking can be the key determinant in whether a client goes to your or your competitor. 

    Additionally, websites that rank high in search engines earn these rankings by being well organized, readable, and full of quality content that answers the question the person searching had, or is the exact service they needed.

    So by default, a properly optimized website is also a quality website that makes it easy for people to get answers and one that they are sure to suggest to others. 

    What's Included?

    What Do SEO Services for Law Firms Include? 

    Organic leads driven through SEO traffic can help law firms acquire qualified clients.


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    Keyword Research 

    Keyword research involves identifying specified words and phrases that people typically type into a search engine when looking for the services that you offer, or are looking for answers to particular questions. Utilizing experienced agencies can ensure that you are utilizing the right keywords on your website, especially in terms of focusing on local SEO that will help you attract prospective clients within your area. 

    Multichannel Marketing

    Website Optimization  Website optimization is a continual process, which includes regularly updating content that matches your target audience’s relevant interests to ensure you are always capturing their attention. This optimization also includes ensuring that your website is as easy to navigate as possible, and is user-friendly. 

    Regular Content Creation

    Part of updating your website for optimization also includes regularly producing new content that is relevant to your target audience and can be a key tool in your keyword strategy.

    This content can take the form of blog posts, which may seem like a lot of work, but can be a great way to demonstrate to prospective clients that you know what you are talking about. 

    For example, if you are a real estate lawyer, it could be useful to write blog posts regarding topics such as property leans and foreclosed properties. 

    Blog writing can be another area where agencies that specialize in SEO can aid in the execution of your strategy. 

    Link Building 

    Link building occurs when quality websites include backlinks or inbound links that point back to your website.

    Practices such as keyword research, website optimization, and quality blog content are all key factors in creating and establishing a website that can be seen as a quality resource within a particular field that makes people want to include links to your content within their own. 

    What is SEO? 

    SEO Services for Law Firms

    SEO services for lawyers and their law firms can be difficult for those who don’t have experience in these areas, especially when most of the time lawyers are preparing for cases or doing other time-consuming tasks.


    That is why it can be easier for law firms to hire reputable agencies in their area to execute these tasks and achieve their goals for them. With the right agency, you can build an effective SEO strategy for your law firm that increases your client base and helps you reach your business goals. 


    Get Your Free SEO Report Today!

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