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Here are 3 SEO tips from an SEO marketer and it has to do with your images on your website.

Often we focus on writing great content, including everything from our SEO checklist, only to forget about one of the most important steps when posting to your website.

The images!

We have shared in the past how to compress your images, but here are 3 things you can do to help boost your SEO potential on your website.

Tip Number One – Save your images as the keywords you’re trying to optimize for.

So for example, let’s say it’s a hairstylist post. Make sure you save your images as Hairstylist-Edmonton-for-long-hair.

Tip Number two – Don’t forget about alt tags

What are alt tags? Alt tags basically tell Google What your image is. Google bots don’t have eyes like humans, so Alt tags provide information about the image. This also helps those that are visually impaired, making your website more accessible.

Tip Number three – Geotag your images

Hardly anyone is doing this and it’s a great SEO tip!

Geotag your images before you upload them and it will give them a location.

Which is amazing for local SEO!

When Google spiders your website it will also scan your images, providing this additional information helps Google index your website including location.

Want to learn more? Make sure you follow!

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Get Social YEG